ESL Teaching Tips Volume 2

(Full text of ESL Teaching Tips email sent to subscribers on May 20, 2014)

Verb Tense Cheat Sheets, Pt. 2


I hope you’re well, and ready for the coming summer days!

This edition of ESL Teaching Tips contains Part 2 of my Verb Tenses Cheat Sheet.  I sent out Part 1 last month and it's still available to you.

If you received Part 1 last month, feel free to skip the rest of this email and directly download Part 2.

If you're new to ESL Teaching Tips, or missed last month's ezine, read on for an explanation of what you're getting this time.


When I first started teaching ESL nine years ago, my most time consuming task was figuring out and understanding verb tenses well enough to effectively teach them.  I don't think many native English speakers have to give verb tenses a second thought; we just use them!

Then, some of us become ESOL teachers and we have to figure them out!  This was actually what started me writing my first ESL blog (  I wanted to succinctly describe the elements and usage of verb tenses for myself and for other teachers. 

I later added a page for each verb tense to my website (  I go into a lot of detail, but hopefully not an overwhelming amount on these pages.  

What I'm providing you in this edition of ESL Teaching Tips is a more succinct description of each verb tense.  This includes the Conjugation, Form, and Function(s) of all tenses.

You can use these pages as "cheat sheets" for yourself and even handouts for your more advanced students.  If you need more detail, you can visit my website.

I hope this serves you!


What's Coming Up...

1.    I'm still working on my book "Ten Steps to a Successful ESL Tutoring Business" (working title) and hope to have it done "soon."  You'll get a free copy of at least one chapter in ESL Teaching Tips.

2.    Over the next couple of months, I hope to be starting a Teleseminar Coaching series for those folks who want to start, or are currently working on, their own tutoring business.

For now, click here to go to your Verb Tense Cheat Sheets Part 2.

Or, click here for a combined pdf of Parts 1 and 2.

One last thing, if you haven't already done so, please support my site by giving me a “Like” on Facebook. Thank you!

Happy Teaching!


See Volume 1 of Ezine

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